
Gift Card

Gift Card

Send a gift card to friends or family. They'll be able to choose the soups the want and receive them at exactly the right time for them!


Earn up to 100 points.

Kashrut Info

All products in our gift packages are Mehadrin or Badatz 

Send a gift card to friends or family. They'll be able to choose the soups the want and receive them at exactly the right time for them!

Where Do We Deliver?

Central Gush Etzion, Tzur Hadassah, Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, and Modiin

 Are you looking to send a package to someone outside our delivery area? 

Contact us by email at yaelsoups@gmail.com or by phone at 02-9403812  and we'll try to help :)


When will it be delivered, and what is delivery cost?

On Our Regular Delivery Day (see schedule below)

Delivery price by area
  • Jerusalem - 35 NIS
  • Central Gush Etzion - 20 NIS
  • Modiin & Beit Shemesh - 45 NIS
best price

Delivery on Another Day
Within one business day Sun-Thurs

Additional cost by area
  • Jerusalem - 100 NIS
  • Central Gush Etzion - 60 NIS
  • Modiin & Beit Shemesh - 230 NIS

When Do We Deliver?

Special Requests?

Do you have a special request about the content of the package?  

Contact us by email at yaelsoups@gmail.com or by phone at 02-9403812  and we'll try to help :)


Do We Accept International Payments?

You can choose the credit card option and use any international credit card (except for American Express). The payment gateway is in Hebrew and requests a teudat zehut number. 

If you do not have one please use the following number: 032800880

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